Last week on social media I shared a before and after photo (without any makeup on – gasp!) of my first appointment getting Microcurrent at Skinapeel Beauty. Initially I was going to wait a month until writing about Microcurrent on the blog, because I assumed that I wouldn’t see results until at least four weeks. The crazy thing is that I noticed results after my first treatment! Everyone is different, so of course results can vary, but come on – same day! That’s incredible! Then after my second treatment, I noticed more results in different areas. I cannot wait to see what my third appointment might bring. If you scroll through the gallery really fast you can almost see Kimberly in action 🙂
[ngg_images source=”galleries” container_ids=”177″ display_type=”photocrati-nextgen_basic_slideshow” gallery_width=”600″ gallery_height=”400″ cycle_effect=”fade” cycle_interval=”10″ show_thumbnail_link=”1″ thumbnail_link_text=”[Show thumbnails]” order_by=”sortorder” order_direction=”ASC” returns=”included” maximum_entity_count=”500″]Before I get into the results photos I need to share with you my thoughts on aging. I hate it. Somehow I went from loving it when people would tell me that I looked 21 when I was really 19, to being told “oh wow, you look good for your age.” Good for my age? What does that even mean? How should a 31 year old look?
Many of my friends have been doing Botox for years, starting around our mid-twenties. They would tell me that it’s no big deal or that they went with their mom and she’s been doing it for years. Well, they both look fabulous, but I have other concerns. Also, (side note) their moms are definitely cooler than my mom. When I told my mom last summer that I was thinking about getting Botox, she absolutely freaked out. To the point that my aunt came up to me at a family reunion and pulled me aside to tell me that she’s been getting Botox for years, I’m a grown adult, and can make my own decisions. And that’s when it hit me. Looking at my beautiful aunt I realized that she has wrinkles AND she does Botox. She’s in her 50’s (I think) and I guess she looks like she’s in her 50’s…? (Still don’t know what that means.) So I started asking myself, “what is it that I want?” or as my husband asks me all the time, “what are you solving for?”
I guess what I want is to slow down the aging process. I’m going to get wrinkles no matter what, so why would I want to “freeze” or paralyze a part of my face? I’m just going to get wrinkles in other places and then what? Do I really want to be completely free of wrinkles, while spending a fortune doing it and still not really knowing where the toxins go that are being injected into my body. The whole idea gives me the heebie geebies. Botox is barely as old as me, which means we still don’t know what the long term effects are for someone my age getting injections every 90 days until they are in their 70’s.
Anywho, that freaks me out. I might change my mind later in life, but for now I’m going to find ways around Botox for as long as possible. And I take it back. Mom, you are really cool. Thank you for challenging me to find another solution. Plus, I actually don’t mind wrinkles. I think smile lines are beautiful and an expressive face allows you to connect with someone and feel what they are feeling. Look, I’m not a hater of Botox. If you get it, that’s is great! Seriously, I’m sure your skin looks amazing and I am jealous. I wish I didn’t have these worries, but if you have the same concerns as I do then I want to tell you that there is another way!
I have shared my concerns with my good friend and aesthetician Kimberly Scharffbillig many times. She has amazing skin and has never had any type of injections. Of course when I ask her what she does, she always reminds me that wrinkle prevention happens everyday with how you take care of your skin. She is a firm believer in using the right products that are healthy for your skin, and getting facials regularly, but not too frequently. There actually is a difference. If you exfoliate your skin too much it can do more harm (this is a topic for another time.)
A few months ago at happy hour Kimberly was excited to tell me that she invested in a new machine for her business and will soon offer Microcurrent. I’m sure by now you’re thinking, “Omg just tell me what Microcurrent is already!!” I really like to tell a story. Microcurrent is an extremely low electric current that actually helps to rebuild your muscles rather than freezing them, which is what Botox does. Over time our muscles become tired and weak. In the face we have 32 different muscles, so Microcurrent helps to “exercise” and tone those muscles. As your muscles rebuild, the fine lines soften. At least that is the main reason as to why I started doing Microcurrent. Other benefits of Microcurrent are:
• Diminish appearance of fine lines and wrinkles
• Improve circulation
• Clear up/ reduce acne
• Improve muscle tone in face, neck and hands
• Lift jowls and eyebrows
• Calm rosacea
• Drain lymphatic nodes
• Treat sun damage
• Improve skin pigmentation
• Facilitate product penetration
• Tighten large pores, resulting in smoother and firmer skin
• Revitalize the skin
• Improve elasticity
First Treatment – 2/4/17 – Before on top or left/ After on the bottom or right
At my first treatment, Kimberly gave me a facial and then went into “spot treatments” with microcurrent. You can really see in the first comparison photos how well the contouring on my cheeks did. The collagen is already coming back to life in my cheek bones.
– Second Treatment – 2/10/17 –
First treatment before on top left, first treatment after on bottom left, second treatment on the right
At my second treatment, Kimberly did an all over treatment. It’s funny because she didn’t spend as much time contouring my cheeks, so in the first collage you can see on the right photo there is not much of a difference, but you can actually see my skin clearing up! Although I didn’t get a facial this week, I have been consistently using great product (more on this later) and Microcurrent helps to reduce acne. In the photos below you can really see the softening of the fines lines at my 11’s or the lines between my eyebrows. Also, you can see the softening of the fine lines on the sides of my neck. And, yes those are my real eyelashes 🙂 I have Lash Boost to thank!
Second Treatment – 2/10/17 – Before on top or left/ After on the bottom or right
I’m sure you probably still have a ton of questions! Like, does it hurt (no) and is it non-invasive (yes), so please leave your questions and comments below and I’ll do my best to answer them! This blog post was already long enough and I will have many more photos and much more information about Microcurrent soon! Thank you for reading.
Microcurrent Tracker
Saturday, February 4th, 2017 – First Treatment (weekly) and monthly facial
Friday, February 10th, 2017 – Second Treatment (weekly)
For more information on Kimberly and her services, please check out her website. If you live outside of Arizona and cannot physically go to her salon, you’ll be happy to know that she has clients all over the US and provides over the phone consultations.
Skinapeel Beauty | Website | TAMA Microcurrent Information
Phone: 480-788-2664
Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Be you, bravely.
The Foxy Kat
Visit The Foxy Kat’s profile on Pinterest.
So cool! I am so scared of injectables. I am allergic to everrryything it seems like. I am not opposed in theory, but like you, I worry about long term consequences. This is such a great option. I recently tried a new skin care line and my skin got really red. Now, I am fighting not one but two new zits since trying those products. Oh it also doesn’t matter what age you are, my Mom still gets a zit at 70–she hates it. Lol
I can’t believe the results! This is amazing!! I recently did Microneedling and I have to admit it hurt but the results were awesome. This seems less painful! I’ll have to try it.
I hadn’t heard of this procedure before but I love knowing there’s another option aside from injectibles. Great post!
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