I am so excited to be focusing on skincare today on TFK Blog! Summer is here, which means I am wearing less makeup and I want my skin to be flawless. Thankfully one of my New Year’s resolutions is still going strong and that is to get serious about my skincare. I have maintained a monthly facial schedule and a regular microcurrent treatment schedule with Kimberly from Skinapeel Beauty. In this post, I’m catching you up on treatments four and five of microcurrent. If you need a microcurrent refresher, please take a look at the first two treatments here, and a recap of the third treatment here.
Microcurrent is a form of electrical massage that allows your face to attain better health naturally. TAMA’s unique Multi-Mode Waveform stimulation provides simultaneous muscle toning and re-education, thus providing both short- and long-term benefits without inflammation.
Below are my results photos from receiving microcurrent treatments on a weekly basis. This was my fourth weekly treatment in a row. I also received my monthly facial, which was only the second facial that I received since starting Microcurrent. You’ll notice that in the BEFORE photos the lighting is slightly different from the AFTER photos. However, regardless of lighting you can see in the AFTER photos that my cheeks have more collagen, my skin looks firmer and my 11’s between my brows are softer too. From the facial, you can see that the breakouts on my left cheek and on the left side of my chin had calmed down too. I recently had a spray tan in these photos, so it felt great to clean off the residual spray tan without loosing much color.

After my fourth treatment of microcurrent, Kimberly suggested that I switch to bi-weekly appointments. My skin was responding really well to the treatments. I was seeing results after only a few treatments, so my skin was responding fairly quickly. In the beginning, the treatments are re-educating the skin and muscles. After the re-education portion of the treatments, muscle memory kicks in and I don’t have to have treatments as regularly.
Below you can see the before and after photos from my fifth microcurrent treatment. I did not have a facial at this appointment like I did with my fourth treatment. The after photos were actually taken the day after the treatment, which often times you can see more of a difference the day after because inflammation has gone down. Between my before and after photos for this round, you can see that my breakout on my chin has cleared up and my rosacea has cleared up as well. Different from the other before and after photos, the main difference here are that my smile lines and also the fine lines on my neck have severely decreased. Typically, Kimberly spot treats most of my face around my lips, cheeks, forehead and neck. This happens to be the first time that the smile lines and the neck stood out to me more than any other area.

Now that we’ve discussed Microcurrent and Skinapeel Beauty a few times on TFK Blog, what skincare and beauty topics would you like to read about? Do you still have microcurrent questions? What about facials can I tell you? Leave your comments below! I can’t wait to answer your questions. Thank you for reading TFK Blog.
Be You, Bravely.
The Foxy Kat
My Microcurrent Tracker
2/4/17 – 1st treatment (weekly) & monthly facial
2/10/17 – 2nd treatment (weekly)
2/18/17 – 3rd treatment (weekly)
3/4/17 – 4th treatment (weekly) & monthly facial
3/18/17 – 5th treatment (bi-weekly)
For more information on Kimberly and her services, please check out her website. If you live outside of Arizona and cannot physically go to her salon, you’ll be happy to know that she has clients all over the US and provides over the phone consultations.
Skinapeel Beauty | Website | TAMA Microcurrent Information | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
Phone: 480-788-2664 Email: Kimberly@SkinapeelBeauty.com
Wow, your skin looks luminous!
Allie | http://www.lunavidablog.com
I can totally see the difference!! How much are the treatments?